Extended dating profile gallery

Add expressive photos to your dating profile


Spice up your online dating profile

In addition to profile photos that all our members can upload, we also have an extended gallery that enables our members to add up to 12 photos of their choice*. Photos in an extended gallery can be of anything and are un-restricted.

Photos in the extended dating photo gallery are larger and better in quality than profile photos, and premium members can choose who can see their extended gallery. Our moderators inspect all photos that are uploaded and will rate them for public or +18/adult viewing depending on the content.

Our extended dating photo gallery lets members upload photos that don't have to comply with our usual profile photo rules and guidelines. Extended photos have very limited restriction and are instead categorised into public or +18/adult material. Adult rated photos are only accessible by members and public photos can be viewed by anyone. Premium members can choose to restrict who can view their photos whether they are public or adult rated.

Why have an extended dating photo gallery?

Flirthut is accessible to almost anyone so we'd like to ensure that it is a safe place for people to network and find their dating match. For this reason, profile photos are moderated so that they can be shown to anyone using the site. We know from experience that a lot of people prefer to be more expressive in the content they show others, so we invented our extended dating photo gallery to allow members to upload photos of their choice with very few restrictions.

What are the rules?

There are some minor rules that all uploads must abide by to ensure we maintain the safety and integrity of our service. The rules and guidelines are straight forward and listed here along with some additional terms:-

  • You must have permission to display the photo you upload on Flirthut. This means that you are either the copyright owner of the photo or it is a photo that can be shared without copyright infringement.
  • Your photo will be visible to the anyone unless you choose to restrict who can see it.
  • You are fully responsible for any consequences that arise as a result of your photo being shown on Flirthut and will indemnify Flirthut of any responsibility.
  • Your photo does not display an image of a product or brand that could infringe intellectual property rights.
  • Your photo does not display an image of another person without their express consent. This includes photos of celebrities and people in the public arena.
  • Your photo must not contain images of minors (or anyone who would appear to be under 18) even if you are in the picture with them.
  • Your photo must not contain images of an extreme or offensive nature.
  • All photo approvals are at Flirthut's discretion.

*The limit for standard members is 2 photo. Premium members can upload up to 12 photos.