Incest and taboo stories

Out of the ordinary and unacceptable. Stories about erotic relationships, lust and powerful human emotions.

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Read some of the hottest erotic stories, poems and scripts submitted by our members or submit your own. Whether your interest is a romantic love story, an erotic dating fantasy or something stronger, come inside and have a browse of what our members have in store for you. If you contribute more than four times to this section, we'll automatically upgrade your membership to Premium for a whole year!

Do you enjoy writing erotic stories?

Submit your own story, poem or transcript for free and we'll allow you to link to an external website. We'll also build up popularity statistics for you and we'll link to your story/stories from your profile page to make it easy for people to find them. Express yourself and your sexuality the way you want on Flirthut and let other viewers find you.

Take a look...

My love is true

A long time ago, when we were young and free, we danced beneath the stars and kissed by the sea..... Read the story →

Written by a former Flirthut member
Submitted 2014-05-30 09:31:15

Ravenous Rendezvous

I seek she who makes me weak, against my own self restraint, heartbeat far from faint.  Prepare now for action, pulse pounding, breathtaking, the feel of a downhill zoom, attraction, an angel of distraction... Read the story →

Written by a former Flirthut member
Submitted 2014-05-30 09:31:15

Destination Sensation

Astounding is her beauty, that smile, this feast I see it so lasting awhile. The very sight of her I so admire. Flame of attraction burning, yearning, blazing fire, of desire. This night, the queen of my empire... Read the story →

Written by a former Flirthut member
Submitted 2014-05-30 09:31:15

Submit your own story!

Share your erotic story now and express yourself to other members. Members who submit an erotic story will have a link to their story from their profile page. We also give away prizes throughout the year for popular stories.

To submit a story, you need to be a Flirthut member.

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