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Step 1 of 3

Choose a username & password

We use aliases on Flirthut to ensure we minimise any personal information that we share with other members. Your alias on Flirthut will be your username. You can choose any username providing it is 4 characters or longer and isn't already in use. Accounts with obscene usernames may be deleted.

When we say free, we really mean free!

Register with our completely free online dating service and find your match today! When we say free, we mean free. As a free member, you can create a profile, upload photos, search for your match, message members and receive messages. Flirthut has two membership levels and both are free. The second membership level which we call 'premium' gives you unlimited access and is earned after a period and number of contributions to our service. We will never ask you for any credit card or payment information.

Flirthut is one of the few completely free dating sites

There are very few free online dating sites these days and we are proud of our achievement to be running for over a decade. In that time, we have set up countless couples and friendships all over the world. Be part of Flirthut's online dating experience today without having to open your wallet for the privilege.

Dating tips on Flirthut

Online dating is a fun and an increasingly popular way to meet people. We've written some essential dating guides to help improve your online dating experience. Check out our dating tips area and our blogs after you've signed up.