Alyssa8157995211, looking for a man or woman for friendship

Aged 46 and living in Beverly Hills, California, United States

Can you solve the mystery and be my missing piece? Eight One Five, then Seven Nine Nine, and Five Two One One. life is a rollercoaster, and I'm here for the loops, twists, and unexpected turns. Swipe right if you're ready for a ride that defies the ordinary I'm looking for someone down-to-earth, intelligent, and who has a good sense of humor. I believe in the power of love, and I'm hoping to find someone to share my life ***

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What I'm looking for...

I'm looking for someone who can make me laugh, even when I'm feeling down. I'm a loyal and supportive lady, who is always there for the people I care about. I'm looking for someone who I can be myself with and who will treat me like a queen that i am.

Recent status...

Love is like a friendship caught on fire. In the beginning a flame, very pretty, often hot and fierce, but still only light and flickering. As love grows older, our hearts mature and our love becomes as coals, deep-burning and unquenchable.

My attributes...

  • Height: >5'6 to 5'8 (1.68m to 1.73m)
  • Body type: average
  • My best feature: my lips
  • Hair colour: brown
  • Hair length: medium
  • Eyes: blue
  • Drinking habits: rarely / occasionally
  • Smoking habits: never
  • Has children: yes but they don't live with me


BMX/skating Extreme sports Fishing Football Gardening Golf Gymnastics Horse riding IT/the Internet Keeping fit Magic Martial arts Model making Motor sports Music Photograpy Pottery Sailing The gym Vegitating Watching movies

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