johnBrennan, looking for a woman for a serious relationship

Aged 47 and living in Burke, Virginia, United States

I'm articulate, educated, well mannered and have moral *** I don't drink or smoke and maintain a healthy life *** I believe in God principles but I'm not a *** I believe in certain traditional values like respecting our elders, being obedient and having patience in *** I enjoy life by having a balance between truthfulness and honest and do like movies, theater, eating out and *** Basically I'm willing to do every thing that is not harm ...

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What I'm looking for...

I'm looking for a decent woman that I can be friends with, then let's see what happens *** I long for love that will last *** I don't play hard to get but I don't get easily give *** I'm hoping and looking forward to meet someone who has a good personality who has no vices, honest, sincere, faithful, God-fearing but I respect everyone who has a different views about their faith and who values respect, who can be a sister, friend and lifetime partner and who plans to be in a committed, serious, loving and lasting ***

Recent status...

You can never control who you fall in love with, even when you're in the most sad, confused time of your life. You don't fall in love with people because they're fun. It just happens.

My attributes...

  • Height: >5'10 to 6' (1.78m to 1.83m)
  • Body type: athletic
  • My best feature: my muscles
  • Hair colour: blonde
  • Hair length: medium
  • Eyes: blue
  • Drinking habits: never
  • Smoking habits: never
  • Has children: yes but they don't live with me


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