Flirthut's off topic forum...

Random ramblings, word games and anything else.

Threads (in most recent order - newest first)

  Downside of masks and social distancing...

Although I haven't been out in public for six months - partly due to the virus restrictions but also because of a foot which was a big problem - I've now had a leg bypass which is healing my foot. But while I was in hospital I was seeing many attractive nurses and female doctors, but I quickly realised how much I missed seeing their full face and smiles that would normally be a part of. Hopefully,... more →

Posted: 2020-08-31 20:55:46

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Why don't people want to wear mask? For thousands of people around the world, COVID-19 has been severe or deadly. But for a large group of individuals, the illness has been practically invisible. These individuals are known as “asymptomatic carriers.” They often display no symptoms at all, or their symptoms are so insignificant they hardly notice them. Anyone, regardless of age, can have an asympt... more →

Posted: 2020-06-28 01:39:46

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  Trump Impeachment Trial...

With the Trump Impeachment trial on-going and all the news coverage about such things, I think I should share some thoughts about that. Like many in the Left Wing, I hope he hets convicted but at the moment I don't see it happening. I see him getting acquitted like Andrew Johnson in 1868, and Bill Clinton in 1998 before him. I don't like the Epoch News running negative news stories about that and ... more →

Posted: 2020-01-30 01:18:47

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  How To Be Irresistible To Women - 3 TIPS!...

To be irresistible means to be so adorable and delightful, that you're impossible to resist. Meeting women and being irresistible to them will not happen overnight, however hang on, there are some things that you can do to hype yourself up and become irresistible. Sounds impossible? By the time you finish this article, you will have gained a new perception. Here are 6 simple tips... more →

Posted: 2019-08-15 22:23:54

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What is my true purpose in life?...

OK, firstly, before you read this, I want it understood I am being open and honest. Everything in this post is my opinion and feelings, and does not represent anyone else but me. Also this thing will be like a novel so if you don't want to read a lot, may I recommend you leave this post now. Secondly, I don’t care what you think of my opinions. So if you got a problem with something I said, don’t ... more →

Posted: 2018-07-04 22:59:56

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Word association last letter word game...

Word association game, using the last letter to start a new word. I'll start with Cow... W........ ... more →

Posted: 2012-10-14 19:25:21

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What would your cartoon character outfit be?...

I was laughing at my dad the other day as I said, if you were a cartoon character your outfit would be a blue vest top, blue shirt and jeans with sandals! LOL My character outfit would be knee high boots with skinny jeans, a grey t shirt, black cardigan, and a green body warmer with my hair down. What would your cartoon character outfit be?... more →

Posted: 2012-10-14 19:24:15

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Flirthut's off topic forum...

Anyone can create a new thread here but please take a look at all the threads in this section first to see if your question has already been asked. You can also use the search box to find nearest keyword matches. Remember, anyone can submit a post or commemt - member or not, but you must ensure your submission follows our forum guidelines!

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