Place to go on first date.

Posted by BillTex1958
- Jul 07, 2020 @23:35

I love to go walking on the beach or on forest trails. Get a snack or sandwich somewhere. Make it as relaxed as possible for your date. Another first date is go driving around national forest or go look at flowers in your favorite location. Take your camera along and take pictures of your surroundings or your date if she's up for that. Dinner in Galveston and walk on the beach after sunset. Very romantic. Going to a drive in theatre and bring some snacks and food along. Great for snuggling. Don't forget blanket for cooler climate. Chairs if you want to sit outside the car.


United States, Willow City
- Posted Jul 27, 2020 @14:31
Good day, Bill, I like your write up.
Italy, Accadia
- Posted Aug 15, 2020 @17:16
Hello how are you doing today? have you received my message because i am
still waiting for your reply thank you.
United States, Central Bridge
- Posted Dec 07, 2022 @18:28
Hello how are you doing today?

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