Why are photos on Flirthut watermarked?

Is there a reason for watermarking photos on Flirthut?

Posted by Raj Sanjeev
- Oct 10, 2024 @18:57

Why are the profile photos on Flirthut watermarked? I uploaded a photo the other day and noticed it had a "Flirthut" logo across the bottom. What's the reason for this? Is it really necessary and is there an option to remove it? Is it a security thing? And why am I having to write lots of words here in order to submit this post? I could have done it a while ago but it won't let me submit my post until I have a certain number of words or characters. Highly annoying and I'm hoping I'm getting there. Finally!


Flirthut Admin
Location undisclosed, City unknown
- Posted Oct 11, 2024 @19:03
Hi Raj, photos on Flirthut are watermarked to prevent other websites stealing them and using them in other applications. Watermarking also helps to prevent site clones using the same images as the watermark is difficult to remove. We're sorry it's a nuisance, but it is essential so that we maintain the integrity of our dating service. As for the "having to write lots of words" on a forum post, the limit is relatively small and we are aiming to encourage users to write content that is beneficial for everyone to read. Content that is short has little meaning and is usually disregarded by other people.

We hope that helps!

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