Where is my FX gallery

Posted by an ex Flirthut member
- Jul 03, 2017 @21:35

I have started a gallery which has been approved and it says to view it "go to your profile and select your FX gallery" but I don't see this anywhere on my profile.
Please can someone tell me where it it.
Thank you


Flirthut administration
Location undisclosed, City unknown
- Posted Jul 03, 2017 @21:40
Hi, thanks for asking this question as we've been contacted a few times about this. Due to our success over the years and support from members like you, Flirthut is undergoing a major overhaul and we are looking at making the site easier and more intuitive to use. To access your FX galleries, you need to click on the 'VIP area' link in the main menu and select the FX gallery card. It isn't very obvious and I can only apologise for this. However, please expect to see a change when the overhaul is complete hopefully towards the end of 2017. Thanks again for your continued support.

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