Limerick unfriendly

Number of characters unfriendly

Posted by cervantes72
- Nov 18, 2024 @23:54

Just a short rant about an unfriendly feature about the story section.. The amount of required characters is not always really helpful here. It certainly makes sense to require a larger amount of characters for a story. However that is too restrictive and counter productive for the erotic poetry and humour sections. A lot great poetry (erotic or otherwise) just consist of a relatively few lines (limericks in particular), but such poetry is currently not possible as interface insist on more characters. For instance I wrote an 8 liner, which won't get accepted because of that restriction. I don't claim it to be great poetry, but nevertheless deserving to be posted so that it may entertain or amuse others. So it would be nice if staff were to relax the amount of characters requirement for the poetry and humour section, so that limericks and alike are possible.


Flirthut Admin
Location undisclosed, City unknown
- Posted Nov 19, 2024 @09:09
Thank you for your post and for sharing your feedback - we genuinely appreciate it. To clarify why we require posts to meet a certain character count, it's because all content on our site is intended to provide value and engage other users. Shorter posts and stories tend to have lower engagement and don't offer the same level of benefit to our community.

Our platform thrives on meaningful contributions from users, and unfortunately, brief posts or stories don't align with this goal. That said, we understand that some stories or poems may naturally be shorter. In such cases, we're open to making exceptions.

If you'd like us to review your short story for inclusion in the erotic stories section, please leave it as a comment here, and we'd be happy to take a look. While this isn't something we typically do, we're willing to consider it on a case-by-case basis.

Once again, thank you for your input - it's always valuable to us.

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