No results for matches near me

Posted by HealthNut555
- Sep 01, 2017 @07:48

If I try to find anyone with the available age range and gender I want anywhere near where I live, it says no results and gives me people from other states. I don't want a long distance relationship. Why aren't there any people near me? Are there just not a lot of people on this site, or is this a glitch?

Is anyone else having this issue? Any ideas how to fix it?


United States, Elkridge
- Posted Sep 10, 2017 @07:55
You are absolutely right. Everyone on this site is geographically undesirable. This is my first shot at a dating site. Can't say it's been a good experience.
Nigeria, Lagos
- Posted Sep 23, 2017 @08:38
Honestly, you are not looking bad at all, if not for distance which I believe you might not wants to commit yourself to it, I would have asked you out, to start a relationship and know where it would lead us.
Flirthut administration
Location undisclosed, City unknown
- Posted Oct 11, 2017 @22:54
Hi HealthNut555, it's not a glitch. Our members are scattered around the world and the number of members within a specific area really depends on the size of the location/city. Some cities are more popular than others at the moment but we are growing rapidly to increase our numbers. We're really sorry if you aren't coming across anyone near you but please be patient as new members sign up each day.
United States, Largo
- Posted Dec 24, 2017 @00:00
Hey, I have an idea. Move! I know that's not funny, but you just don't live in a densely enough populated area. Look me up? Seriously I would be honored to be with you if you are a good women. I don't know. I'm just throwing things out there.
United States, Largo
- Posted Dec 24, 2017 @00:02
I wouldn't sweat it here is probably like most sites I am finding for about every 30 people 28 are scammers anyhow......what is left is the really old and ugly...I know that sounds mean but yeah pretty much so and that is where the scammers may actually make some money from the truly lonely! I;m looking for around Seminole, Largo, Clearwater, Pinellas, Saint Petersberg area. Even worse for me I am looking for a LTR and possibly having kids already or making kids....I am a good catch too but all I get is scammers so far I bet I ave talked to 1000 of them and not one real person?

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