Flirthut problems and suggestions

Posted by PhysicalChemistry1
- Dec 17, 2016 @08:43

For some reason, the Search function returns exclusively males, when I am exclusively interested in females.... Also, the height selection should be reorganized to set minimum and maximum numbers, as should the age section, rather than forcing users to search a series of segments. I tried to notify Flirthut using the 'contact us' page, but got a banner that said I was not allowed to use that page.


Flirthut administrator
Location undisclosed, City unknown
- Posted Dec 17, 2016 @08:52
Thanks for your feedback. You may be pleased to know that Flirthut is undergoing a major improvement and changes should be released sometime next year. We will certainly take your suggestions into consideration. I'm a bit concerned to hear about you being unable to use the 'contact us' page. This page should be available to anyone and I suggest trying another browser or machine to contact us telling us step by step what issues you are having using that page along with details of the browser and device you are using. If that doesn't help, try signing out of your account and contact us using the links on the bottom of the home page. Once again, thank you for your feedback and I hope you will continue to support Flirthut as we grow.
User: raydog01
United States, City unknown
- Posted Jun 09, 2017 @08:02
I keep getting this error message for a long time and then just use another dating site because of this. Can't even contact for support. What's going on guys?

You have exceeded the number of login attempts possible and your access has been temporarily restricted. This restriction is removed automatically after 24 hours. Sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later.
Flirthut administration
Location undisclosed, City unknown
- Posted Jun 09, 2017 @08:09
raydog01, if you're having issues signing in, please contact us using the contact form rather than posting a comment on here as we are not able to assist you as quickly. You mention that you can't contact us for support and I'm not sure why. You can use the contact form even if you are not signed in providing you give us your account email address and username. Having looking into this, we can see you had several access attempts to your account which could mean one of your credentials was incorrect. The restriction should have been lifted now and if you've forgotten your password, you can reset it. I hope that helps.
United States, Leesburg
- Posted Sep 01, 2017 @07:47
I would also like to see more options in choosing what to search for. For example, I don't see anyone choosing to only date people who say they smoke like a chimney. Perhaps we could have the option to choose multiple, like choosing rarely and regularly smokes.

I agree that we should be able to choose our own ranges as well.

I'd like to be able to type in options on some things too, like best feature. My best feature is my eyes. Maybe someone would like to say their winning smile. My face as a whole, I don't so much love, so being able to choose or type in eyes would be nice.

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