There are too many dating sites online, but why?

Dating online is nothing like meeting someone in real life

Posted by J Campbell
- Oct 03, 2012 @22:09

I'm fed up with how many dating sites there are online. I mean, if you added up all the members across all the sites in the world, surely there would be far more members than there are people? What ever happened to dating the good old fashioned way? Boy meets girl etc. etc. People are becoming web junkies – dating online is nothing like meeting someone in real life. I don't see the point or value in dating online. It just gives people false expectations. I've never met anyone from a dating site online and I'll be surprised if I ever do. Change this and add this.


an ex Flirthut member
United Kingdom, Ballynahinch
- Posted Dec 18, 2012 @12:44
Hey J. I share your view in a way, but I joined a few freebie dating sites because the ‘good old fashioned way’ as you so put it doesn’t work anymore. Well not for me anyway. It’s great if you want to meet someone for a casual relationship, but you can’t go to bars to find someone serious. So what else can you do? Incidentally, I’ve already been on a few dates with people online so it’s not all doom and gloom. Give it a go. gdfgdf
United States, Grafton
- Posted Jan 15, 2013 @21:07
I'm not so fed up with the sites, as much as I am fed up with the fake sites or fake profiles. I see a nice profile of a nice lady I expect to talk to a nice lady. Not some guy in India. The larger free sites are full of these, the smaller free sites don't have enough people and still have fake profiles. The sad fact is if its somehow sex driven, then there is someone trying to make money off of it.

As for the good old fashioned way, Unless the entire world slows down so that we can spend the time (other than at a bar) to meet a decent person then so be it.
Eli McCrae
United States, City unknown
- Posted Jan 13, 2025 @02:20
I've been good at becoming a member of bad sites over the last year- sites that just take your money and you can't get anything meaningful started. This is just wrong. Many of them are overseen by people who live in a small island between Europe and Asia, in the sea, I have noticed.

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