Single parent dating with three children

How do you date as a single mum?

Posted by Sharon T
- Oct 20, 2024 @20:44

I'm a single mum with three young children and their dad doesn't see the kids much. His decision not mine. As much as I hate him for this, I still want him to be part of the kids lives as I think it's really important and I wish he'd saw them more, but he doesn't. Having to look after them all the time makes it really difficult for me to go on dates. Friends and family do help out when they can but my time is really limited. The other things is, when I do go on a date and I meet someone I'm really into, it's virtually impossible for me to invite them back to mine for obvious reasons. I'm only human with needs and I'm really tired and frustrated of my situation. How am I expected to have a relationship, even some 'fun' just to keep me sane? Is anyone else in this situation and if so, how do you deal with meeting people and having any sort of physical relationship with them?


Anonymous Contributor
United Kingdom, City unknown
- Posted Nov 03, 2024 @21:30
Nothing wrong with booking a hotel room and having some 'fun' with someone.

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