Distance in a relationship

Posted by Bromsonj
- Dec 02, 2020 @18:06

If a man leaving or working offshore as a Marine Engineer and as a widower, and decided to go on with a woman to spend the rest of his life with as husband and wife, but still working that job as a Marine Engineer, what advice do you have for that person to save his relationship if he finds a woman he loves? If it happens that you're the woman he finds, what would be your advice to him if you truly love him to become your life partner? You as a man, what will be your advice to him? I ask this question because I want to love and also want to be loved.


United States, Alleene
- Posted Jan 31, 2021 @17:03
In life i believe love is all about understanding ,although there are many aspect of loving, I believe the most paramount is in the heart and if you love yourself carry on with that love you share.

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