My new girlfriend told my children off

Posted by Stevie
- Oct 14, 2012 @20:11

I'm a single dad, after losing my wife three years ago and now I feel that I'm ready to get back on the horse, so to speak and start dating again.

I met this woman and she seemed lovely at first but then after a few months she started to get a bit intense and tell my children off when they were being a bit cheeky.

I found it really weird because it's only ever been me and their mum giving them discipline and I found myself feeling resentful of this woman and worrying that she'll never love them as much as their mum would have.

It's made me wonder whether I should wait until they are grown up and moved out before I find someone else.

I'm not sure what to do so any advice will be appreciated for a widower dating.


Canada, City unknown
- Posted Jan 31, 2013 @20:58
If you haven't already maybe a discussion about diciplinary boundaries might be in order? Also if she is going to be a presence in your life and the lives of your kids ask yourself how your late wife would have dealt with the situation. How you would deal with the situation and is how your gf dealing with the situation acceptable? If not then discuss it with her. Melding a new parent can be difficult. You both have to be adults and open up a discussion about how involved you/she wants to be with the kids at different milestones in your relationship. Also I always hated that my dad never had a gf when we were growing up. Would've been nice to have someone around to take up some of his time lol ;)
United States, Springfield
- Posted Mar 06, 2013 @17:18
Dont let her control your life. Your kids come first. Don't please her at the expense of your kids. Your kids must be your priority.
Canada, Toronto
- Posted May 16, 2017 @09:49
I don't want to be harsh on you but to be honest it was harsh on your kids. repair the damage done. The sooner you mend it the easier it would be in future.
There are times when we fail to find the right person of our life. Don't wait for your kids to grow up. They will grow up without the attention and love they deserve. They are innocent, so I don't think you would play with their lives.
an ex Flirthut member
United States, Staten Island
- Posted Oct 08, 2017 @07:56
Dump the witch and find someone who understands kids better!
You should be allowed to be happy and have someone, but not if they are nasty to your kids, my mom dated a clown who was mean to my bro, sis and I, than she married the jerk, he was a horror for 15 years and now none of us speak to him or mom! don't let that happen to YOUR kids!

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