Looking past the surface

Posted by
- Aug 31, 2016 @19:43

OK, so I am 24 years old, I'm really short (5 feet tall even) - I have a small gut on me and I started going bald at fifteen. I have to live with my mother because of physical and social issues. I have a job, but it's low hours (again, because of physical issues). I feel like women just are not willing to give me a chance because of all these problems I have. No woman will just sit down and have a conversation with me, get to know me. My question is, how do I get women to look past the negatives in my life and focus on getting to know the real me?


United States, Greensboro
- Posted Sep 07, 2016 @08:05
The right woman will come to you. I know it may sound a bit cliche but that is the honest truth. The right person who is supposed to be in your life will appear seemingly out of nowhere. They will appreciate you for all of the things that you think are flaws and love you for them. In the meantime, focus on yourself. Focus on your dreams and your goals and when the time is right that special someone will come. Make sure that you also establish confidence in yourself. Even if you don't feel like it, act like you are the sexiest man in the room. Females find confidence extremely attractive no matter what you look like.
an ex Flirthut member
United States, New York
- Posted Oct 17, 2016 @15:15
Here's some honest advice. 99% of women on this planet are very shallow, vain, selfish and self centered, so you will need to reinvent yourself. First, NEVER tell women you don't yet know well your problems. They really don't and won't care and it WILL just turn them off! If your balding, just shave your entire head and go bald. Many men go skin head ever since the grunge/ska days, so it wouldn't look out of place. A very close friend of ours and all 4 of his brothers all started balding between ages 12-16, so they all started shaving their heads completely and it does actually look better than the old monk-ring or cul-de-sac look.

Being short is also no reason to ever have what's called a "Napoleon complex", as many short guys tend to have. An "NC" is a short guy trying to act and talk big to over compensate for being little. Dont! Short guys are a turn on for some women but remember, it is also a turn off for others. Many women out there have the "he must be taller than me" B.S. stuck in their heads and will not date any guy shorter then they are, no matter how nice or good looking you are, unless your Bill Gates rich, then it doesn't matter if you looked like a slice of Swiss cheese!

What wins though is CONFIDENCE and it sounds like you entirely lack any confidence. A good friend of ours is 5'-2". He gets woman like crazy - why? Because he talks a good game and has loads of confidence!

Nobody has to know you live with your mom nor why. It's your business, nobody elses.
United States, Lisbon
- Posted Jan 02, 2020 @22:24

The coconut milk can also be used for shampooing your hair

Use any herbal or mild shampoo and add coconut milk to wash your hair.
If you are fine with adding egg white then you can add to the mixture and mix it well till all of them make a uniform mixture.

This shampoo with full of natural and protein-based ingredients make your hair look magical and more healthy, lustrous and attractive with full of shine.

A great remedy to condition your hair naturally.

Here I have mentioned only two best methods, you can try many other combinations based on your requirements and creativity.

Onions are the best and magical cure for hair loss, premature greying, baldness, dandruff, and other hair issues.

This is a miraculous cure to keep check for all your hair problems in both women and men.

Onion is very rich in antioxidants and sulfur content which helps to optimize the hair growth cycle.

Rejuvenates the hair follicles and nourishes the scalp by avoiding the formation of DHT blockers which is the major cause for hair fall and also baldness.

The onion juice has antibacterial properties that keep the scalp healthy.

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