So, your wife is uninterested in s*x. So far, so common.
Normally, her excuses are along the lines of:
1. I'm too tired
2. I'm too stressed
3. We don't spend enough time together
4. There's a lot on my mind at the moment
5. I've got to get up early tomorrow morning.
Sound familiar? Then tell me something: has it got better for you during lockdown? Because it sure as hell hasn't for me.
We are both off work, we spend all day together, we can get up whenever. It's as if God, by way of small compensation for all the pain and suffering caused by this virus, has said "Well my children, at least you get to make love more. Go forth and fornicate".
Can anyone tell me what difference, if any, lockdown has made to their s*x life? Just curious to find out if I'm the only sucker who's still waiting for his partner to get bored enough to consider physical contact as a viable pastime.
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Posted by member: GregUK
From: United Kingdom, Glasgow
Posted: 2020-07-26 19:02:31
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Comment/reply from: Former member, Location, Undisclosed
Posted: 2020-11-13 22:07:49
I'm going through they same thing. Same answers. It start before covid 19. What do you do?
Comment/reply from: michael2042, United Kingdom, Birmingham
Posted: 2020-12-18 07:47:34
I know it's not funny for you, but you made me laugh! I just have a suggestion. It's 'Karezza'. From what I read it can improve relationships. Have a look!
Comment/reply from: GregUK, United Kingdom, Glasgow
Posted: 2020-12-30 21:11:50
Ah well, we tried all that. Tantric too. I was well up for it, I was just happy to be naked with her. She didn't want to continue with it. What's a man to do?
Comment/reply from: britneyj21, United States, Central Bridge
Posted: 2021-06-07 09:35:54
Try to be romantic with her, take her for date, restaurant, movies or just to chill chill out for a instant coffee this can be really makes one instinct and can come closer and you can have fun time a lol....
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