I'm Fed up of the attitude of American women

Posted by willson34
- Feb 26, 2020 @17:48

Next month I am going to Ukraine. I am 28 years old and single for the last two years. I’m tired of the attitude of American women and now I want to have a relationship with a foreign girl. So next month, I’m planning to spend my holidays in Ukraine. So I hope I'll find a good partner there. But I don’t know anything about Ukrainian Culture. No idea how I'll find a girl for a date. I hear that Ukranian girls are very beautiful and romantic. But is it easy to find a soulmate there? Or should I change my destination? Your advice will be highly appreciated.


United States, Central Bridge
- Posted Apr 06, 2020 @13:43
Finally am in Ukraine. is there any suggestion for me?
United States, Arizona City
- Posted Apr 20, 2021 @23:58
You are on the right track my friend. Having a foreign girlfriend for a possible wife is a smart way to go depending on your situation and hers. I have found Russian women to be very attractive and romantic. To be honest, I had a Russian girlfriend for a time and I don't regret the time we spent together. I have never been to the Ukraine or Russia but I do know that there are usually local agencies willing to introduce you to local single ladies interested in marriage to an American. Strolling through the local marketplace will work too. Good luck to you in your search. Hope this helped.

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