How can we trust each other?

Posted by Rapidfire303
- Jan 26, 2020 @13:58

Hi friends, I'm looking here for a female friend for fun, but I'm afraid to searching here because it's a world of internet and it means here is lots of guy's, male's or females they are searching same, mostly fake identity used. I'm just asking here how can we trust any people, can we really trust? Maybe not, I'm just thinking about this if nobody here is trustworthy than how it's possible, how can we find here a perfect match for us if we always doubtful for loyalty. I know it's risky but friend's risk is a great part of human life, so friends why not take it once?


Terry H
Singapore, City unknown
- Posted Jan 26, 2020 @22:11
It's hard I agree but try not to be too doubtful. If you expect failure, you will get it. Treat every relationship and person you meet online as something different. They're never the same unless you expect them to be. The internet makes it very difficult to find genuine people but they do exist. You just have to be a bit careful about how you find them. I've met some really genuine people on here but there are fake identities as you say. You have to use a bit of common sense. If someone you're chatting to is asking you for information that's a bit personal and you don't know them, then walk away. If it looks too good to be true, walk away! Good luck with your search. Remember, patience will make it all worthwhile.
United States, Portland
- Posted Jun 07, 2020 @22:20
Yes you both can trust each other after a video call..

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