Fell in love with Women older than me..

Posted by an ex Flirthut member
- Nov 20, 2019 @01:11

Hey, I'm Sameer and I'm looking for a long distance older/mature girlfriend but I don't know how to approach a woman with a massive age gap b/w me and her. I'm young but I can be a partner who is always there when you need him and I actually prefer to be in love with older women because girls of my age are not as mature or straight to the point. Mature Woman don't play those games and making her smile is an amazing feeling. So? Any advice on how should I approach or what should I say/do?


United States, City unknown
- Posted Nov 25, 2019 @11:10
If you are looking for such a girl then she is looking for you. Just be yourself!
an ex Flirthut member
Canada, North Bay
- Posted Nov 18, 2020 @02:34
I find dating older women adds something, the woman you're dating who is in their 50s (will say) will have a lot to offer, such as teachings, life experiences and more.

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