Dating A Parent

Posted by an ex Flirthut member
- Jul 18, 2020 @01:10

Hey, when it comes to dating, I may happen to go out with a partner who has kids, now I have no idea how to go about that. Like for example, I meet someone I know has kids based on the conversation beforehand and I roll with it. And the other is, I find out about later through a reveal in a person - to - person conversation or physically. So the question is how do I go about dating someone who has kids? I don't necessarily need help, more so advice. Thank you, (I hope my question made some sense).


Nigeria, Lagos
- Posted Oct 26, 2023 @09:21
Having kids is a good thing and lots of blessings. So going on a date with one having kids mustn't pose a problem rather think of how both of you can work out things. Once you get along well, fine then you can know how to put things in place.

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