I'm dating a bi-sexual woman

Posted by Bradly S
- Oct 30, 2024 @22:36

I started seeing a woman a few weeks ago and we've been getting on really well. As I've got to know her, she's told me that she's bi-sexual. I'm not sure how I feel about that. She wants a monogamous relationship but how can someone who is bi-sexual have a monogamous relationship with just one sex? If we got on really well, would the other side to her want to see women? I'm sure this is a dream for lots of men but let me tell you, it's a nightmare in reality. Imagine falling for someone and finding out they also like something you'll never be. Is anyone else in this situation and if so, how are you dealing with it?


Cyprus, Agia Napa
- Posted Oct 30, 2024 @22:43
Maybe speak to her? Has she mentioned wanting to date a woman too?
Anonymous Contributor
France, City unknown
- Posted Nov 03, 2024 @21:13
Just go with the flow. With any luck, she'll let you join in with her and her girlfriend! Result
Cyprus, Paralimni
- Posted Nov 12, 2024 @22:57
She's with you so she's obviously is interested in you and not another woman. Don't overthink this too much otherwise you run the risk of losing her. Just treat her like a straight woman. You don't need to do or think of anything else.

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