Am I involved with a cu*kqueen?

Posted by an ex Flirthut member
- Apr 17, 2020 @10:03

A few days ago I started chatting to a woman on Tinder. She lives in another country far away and because of Coronavirus is also social distancing. I have a very high s*x drive and I let her know this and I admitted to her that I'm just looking for s*xting and that I've s*xted with other women before her and that I'm still s*xting with other women. She said and I quote "If you want to tell me it's OK if you don't want to" in regards to me telling her about the s*xt with other women. She's brought this up 4 more times since I started talking to her and again in the same confusing way. She knew I had a "date" for a s*xt tonight with another woman and she was acting really interested. She's even told me multiple times that I need to s*xt with as many other women as possible even after I told her I was open to us becoming more serious and exclusive in future.

The odd thing is, in her previous relationship, her ex cheated on her and it broke them up.

Is she a cu*kqueen?

P.S. I've only known her for 3 days but we've spent over 8 hours s*xting and 5 hours just chatting. We're both really into each other and we already made plans to be together and sleep with each other when there's a Coronavirus vaccine.


an ex Flirthut member
Canada, Ottawa
- Posted Apr 19, 2020 @21:48
Well, its over. She broke up with me after i called her out on it. I think she's religious and ashamed of her desires.
an ex Flirthut member
Canada, Ottawa
- Posted Apr 20, 2020 @02:14
All might not be lost! She contacted me again today and she's friendly. I think she might be craving to s*xt but she's too shy to ask for it. I'm not bringing it up again so I'll see how long it takes her to crack. But back to my original question; is she a cu*kqueen? Or am I reading this totally wrong?

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