He made me like him then did not want to know me when I did

Posted by Bonny J
- Oct 14, 2012 @19:23

I'm just wondering if anyone can help me with this situation.

I used to go clubbing and always see this guy out, let's call him Ethan. Then gradually Ethan started to make more and more hints that he liked me.

I wasn't that keen at first but after a while he sort of appealed to me. So I went to his house and hung out with him, nothing happened btw. But then he stopped talking to me, stopped calling me, texting me everything. I don't know what I did to upset him. And I'm annoyed because I wasn't into him until he kept going on at me to like him. Now I really like him and he doesn't want me.

I've tried calling him but he doesn't answer. I sent a 7 page text to him and I didn't get a reply which makes me feel like a total loser. Shall I just leave it and move on or what? And why did he act like that? What did I do wrong?


United States, Grafton
- Posted Jan 15, 2013 @21:09
Could be that Ethan perused another love interest or wasn't actually looking for anything serious at all. I would say move on.
United States, Parsippany
- Posted Apr 08, 2013 @07:58
Why "Did nothing happen, btw?" Why did you even mention the "nothing happened?" Maybe if something happened, you would have been invited back?

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