Can long distance and relationships really work?

Posted by Ready4love1
- Oct 05, 2012 @22:25

I've been chatting with a girl online for a few weeks but I'm not sure whether to meet up because she lives 300 miles away from me. I just wondered if anyone has any long distance relationship experience and can give me some advice.


United Kingdom, Twickenham
- Posted Oct 14, 2012 @13:23
Yeah i used to date a girl from another city - I lived in the Midlands and she lived in SE London at the time. Worked ok though as the distance was only 150 miles away. I guess it depends on how long it takes you to visit her and how much of your time you have to spend travelling. You'll probably see her at weekends so travelling to see her on a Friday in rush hour traffic and then back Sunday night I assume - that's what I used to do anyway. I didn't find it too much of a bother and 300 miles isn't exactly that much further. If she's worth it, then I don't see what the problem is. Besides, if you really get to like her after seeing her a while, she may decide to move closer or you might decide to move nearer her. I'd go for it!

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