Is he having an affair?

Posted by brokenwomen
- Nov 24, 2013 @22:44

Hi, I'm not sure where to start with this, I'll give you a brief overview. My husband and I have been married for 6 month and together for 6 years. But since we got married it all went wrong, he got a new job and there is a girl at his work who he talks about ALL the time and recently he has started comparing me to her. Like he'll say, Ruby wouldn't wear her hair like that, she knows how to look good. And cos he keeps making these digs it really making me self conscious and I feel like my confidence is so low now.

He is also working late all the time and texting on his phone and put a pin number on it which he didn't have before.

I'm so upset, it's like he is a different person from before we got married. We used to get on so well and have a laugh all the time, but now he see's me as someone he can emotionally put down all the time.

Do you think he is having an affair with this Ruby or just being an asshole to me?


Location undisclosed, City unknown
- Posted Dec 02, 2013 @22:37
If I was in your situation, I would start making a real effort in myself. I would go to the gym, buy some new clothes, get my hair and nails done etc, make a real effort so he notices me again. Maybe even go on a course at night school and learn a new skill.

You don't know he is having an affair, but he might want to if he see's you all moping and down in the dumps. He might just be bored and seeing Ruby makes him excited. If he see's that you are looking hot and full of confidence he will start to wonder if you have your eye on someone else and he'll be begging for your attention.

Just remember, when you don't fancy a guy and you're not interested, how much do they want you?

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