My partner of 3 years has cheated on me. What should I do?

Posted by Sadandlonely
- Jun 27, 2013 @09:18

My boyfriend went to a party on Saturday night and when I called, a girl answered the phone. I heard my boyfriend shouting in the background to put the phone down. I've never cheated on him and I never would, but we don't see each other all the time as we live about 100 miles apart. I love him so much but he's broken the trust that we had. He has apologised and said it was a first time and it will never happen again. I am confused and I don't know what to do, I need advice and I hate feeling like this.


Australia, Sydney
- Posted Feb 05, 2018 @23:43
I cannot of course advise you. I do hope however, Men have always followed the urges placed inside them by Nature and they always will. So if he did that to you once he will never hesitate to do it again thinking that you will still forgive him.
United States, City unknown
- Posted Nov 29, 2019 @01:14
dump loyalty and no trust

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