Starting over

Posted by an ex Flirthut member
- May 11, 2020 @10:44

Absolutely lost in what to do when starting over meeting a new woman. I think we all get complacent in our relationships and forget what's important and how to conduct ourselves! I do genuinely feel i have a lot to offer a partner but how do i get there in the first place? I do find it incredibly hard to meet new people and be myself and recently find i distrust people for no real reason. So what do i do to get past this and start to get on with my life again or do i just give up and go it alone?


United States, Port Saint Lucie
- Posted Jun 08, 2020 @03:56
I am lonely since my wife past away and still have the s*x drive of a 20 year old
United States, Astoria
- Posted Mar 27, 2024 @01:37
I’ve been divorced for over a year and raising a disabled daughter who’s in her teens by myself is hard without a partner. I keep telling myself in time I will find that special person

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