Spending Christmas Alone Again

Posted by
- Dec 18, 2017 @23:36

Christmas is always a difficult time for me. I've been single now for five years and it always hits home when it's a holiday. It's not that I don't want to meet someone, rather I seem to mess up everytime I do. I've only had a few relationships in my time and I don't ever feel confident when I'm with a woman. I thought I'd join Flirthut but having a look at the people on here, I'm not sure I'd meet the sort of woman that would suit me. Does anyone else have issues with women who are in there 40's? All the TV programs and films make relationships look so easy but the reality is so different, for me anyway. Every year I tell myself that I'll be dating someone over Christmas but it never happens. Anyway, without waffling on too much, I guess my question is do any guys have any advice for a guy like me?


Anonymous Contributor
Location undisclosed, City unknown
- Posted Jan 15, 2018 @23:59
Christmas is finished and I'd love to hear if you met anyone since then? Office party? New years eve party? :)
an ex Flirthut member
Germany, Berlin
- Posted Mar 08, 2018 @09:59
TV programs are lies for weak people. Dont watch it. It's not supposed to be easy but it can be even if the chase have to be hard for the catch to be better. Like everything, with more dating and experience you will feel confident with the time... Go out to parties, gigs... meet people make some friends. Don't think about it. Be natural and it will come... But don't present yourself like you just did, as a lonely boy who would like but cant have a relationship for whatever reasons cos if you do you will trap yourself and nothing will change... Stop being sorry about yourself and jump in the fire... It's warm and it burns.
an ex Flirthut member
United States, Liverpool
- Posted Sep 22, 2018 @08:10
Now it is September 2018.. have you find anyone yet? If not, I understand how you feel about no dates for Christmas. I was single for 23 years since I graduated from high school and often I hated each year that I do not have someone special for the holidays season from Thanksgiving to Valentine's. All of those can be romantic and after that, holidays from St. Patty to Holloween are really different. Anyway, what I learned. You will have headache and more of a conflict when you are married because then your spouse will complain that she wants to spend holidays with her family. What about when having kids, more headaches. Parents will want to see your children. But taking turns.. that is tough. I know. I was married and good thing, I do not have children (still want to). You are better off being single at the Holidays season. But on another hand, you can compromise you can have 2 Thanksgivings, 2 Christmases by having her with your family and her family each. If you have not found her. Better do it now because Thanksgiving is 2 months away. Christmas 3 months from now.

Please please please ignore media (TV, movies, news such as the Ks). They are not real. Even celebrities are super-fictional. Focus on your life and if you are a Christian, focus on God. God will provide.
Anonymous Contributor
United States, City unknown
- Posted Oct 21, 2019 @02:04
OP, did you ever meet someone? I know how much loneliness hurts, and sorry you have experienced it. I'm only a woman, but my advice: Just keep an open mind. Sometimes, life will throw you lovely opportunities : - )

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