Tired of 20 something girls

Posted by PC
- Nov 11, 2012 @16:22

So now being in my 40's, I am finding it more and more difficult to find that special someone close to my age that likes to spend time doing similar things. It seems that i always end up with girls in their mid 20's, immature and with a TON of issues. I like to think of myself as a nice, good looking guy. I take great care of my body, and work hard at staying healthy, to find someone like me in my age group has been next to impossible. I know your out there, hit me up if know what i am saying.


United Kingdom, Twickenham
- Posted Nov 11, 2012 @16:46
Well girls in their mid 20’s like older guys because of the whole ‘security’ thing. They see an older guy as someone with money and stability and that’s very attractive to a younger lady. But I agree with you that a lot of younger ladies have ‘issues’ as you so put it, although I wouldn’t necessarily call them issues. Woman in their 20’s are struggling to understand exactly what they want out of life and sometimes make decisions that they don’t agree with later. They can also be quite hurtful as they establish what direction they want their life to go in and aren’t afraid to do what they need to do to get the results they want. Perhaps you’re going to the wrong type of places to meet women? Maybe you need to have a hard think about where older women are likely to hang out? I wouldn’t rule out joining Flirthut either. It’s free and anything that increases your chances of success can only be a good thing.
Location undisclosed, City unknown
- Posted May 31, 2016 @22:11
Hi there. I'm 30, and I think your problem lies in the fact that you're dating girls in their mid 20s. Of course your level of maturity and expectations are different; I would think that is obvious. Though there are also those out there that have commonalities despite such an age gap. As the former person mentioned, maybe you need to expand your horizon and look into different places where you'll find someone with similar age and interest. Go to events that is of your interest, and maybe you'll meet her there. I know men "like them young", but if you're into a serious relationship that's not all there is to it. They say beauty fades with age, but a women also becomes more beautiful as she ages. This holds the same for men. Hell, for all I know you could possibly be more handsome now then when you were younger. Maturity can be beautiful in itself. Makes a person more wise, more mature, and more attractive in my opinion. It's all in the eye of the beholder.
United States, Oakland
- Posted Mar 12, 2020 @23:42
I am 67. My "Friend is 33". I do not date or relate to women even close to my age. I do not senior center or play bingo. If you want to feel old, date old. If you want to feel young, date young. My Friend is NOT some leach, mucher or ho. We have been best friends for about 7 years. Date how you feel, age is a number.

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