Newly dating again after 20 years

Posted by Middle-aged and single
- Oct 08, 2012 @22:22

A year ago my husband and I divorced. We have three children together who I have custody of and at 43 getting back into the dating game is a bit daunting. I don't even know where to start. I haven't been single for 20 years so things are very different to '91 and before. So how do you meet someone these days?


Anonymous Contributor
Location undisclosed, City unknown
- Posted Oct 26, 2012 @08:54
Well you've come to the right place :o) I assume you're a member of Flirthut? There are plenty of guys here to choose from anyway! Lots of other dating sites too that you could try. There must be one for people in your situation? I would recommend you sign up with a dating site because it’s hard enough getting a date when you're in your 20's let alone being older with an already established family. Not to say there's anything wrong with that, but I'm 26 and find it real hard work meeting women. It's not like it is on TV! Or you could just join lots of local clubs and events - there's bound to be singles at these sorts of places.
United States, Oakland
- Posted Mar 10, 2020 @00:32
I am 67, divorced now 11 years. I wish I knew the answer to that. Add the problem to age and I think it is much harder. I refuse to get ripped off my pay dating sites. I guess me being here is my attempt at dating.

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