Multiple Dating Etiquette

Posted by ConfusedJen
- Nov 26, 2013 @08:18

I am newly single and 42 and found that dating sites are pretty awesome! But the problem is, although some might think it's a good problem to have, is that I have lots of interest and I don't know what the etiquette is for multiple dating, as I have always had long term relationships. Do I tell them I'm seeing other men too or do I hide it? What if they are not seeing anybody else. It's all so complicated. Some help would be great! Thank you


United Kingdom, Hounslow
- Posted Apr 25, 2016 @21:38
Forget all the rest and come out with me, problem solved :)
Australia, Sydney
- Posted Feb 05, 2018 @23:43
You don't need to tell them that you're seeing other men, If they ask what you're doing, tell them you're "meeting up with a friend." If they ask which friend, defer, or lie. And don't, under any circumstances, bring it up yourself. That's just an issue of common courtesy. When you're on a date with someone, they deserve your undivided attention. Maybe, more importantly they deserve to feel like they have your undivided attention.
United States, Abbotsford
- Posted Nov 08, 2019 @13:36
Tell him that you are meeting a friend and that is all that
United States, Holiday
- Posted Aug 25, 2020 @02:35
I always say we ain't married I can date who I want

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