
Posted by OUTLANDER007
- Jun 28, 2020 @01:39

Why don't people want to wear mask? For thousands of people around the world, COVID-19 has been severe or deadly. But for a large group of individuals, the illness has been practically invisible. These individuals are known as “asymptomatic carriers.” They often display no symptoms at all, or their symptoms are so insignificant they hardly notice them. Anyone, regardless of age, can have an asymptomatic case of the virus. This phenomenon isn’t unique to COVID-19 either ― most infection symptoms exist on a spectrum from asymptomatic or mild to severe. It is not yet clear how many people are asymptomatic carriers of the disease. Nor is it clear how much they are contributing to the spread of the pandemic, though preliminary research suggests they likely play a significant role. Some estimates suggest 80% of coronavirus cases may be mild or asymptomatic. Experts also say we don’t have a full picture of the disease spread because many asymptomatic cases go unreported. If you’re exposed to someone with coronavirus and you get infected, you could spread the virus long before you realize you’re sick (if you even realize it at all). And given that COVID-19 has spread throughout communities, you may not even know you’ve been exposed. If we don't protect each other a lot more of us are going to die. Stay safe, Wear mask!


United States, Willow City
- Posted Jul 27, 2020 @14:34
Thank you
Faroe Islands, Vestmanna
- Posted Oct 04, 2024 @21:55
Have you seen the number of deaths caused by the common flu? If so you'll see a striking resemblance. It's nothing big actually and in fact most sever cases of corona virus was with vaccinated people.

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