Downside of masks and social distancing

Posted by an ex Flirthut member
- Aug 31, 2020 @20:55

Although I haven't been out in public for six months - partly due to the virus restrictions but also because of a foot which was a big problem - I've now had a leg bypass which is healing my foot. But while I was in hospital I was seeing many attractive nurses and female doctors, but I quickly realised how much I missed seeing their full face and smiles that would normally be a part of. Hopefully, that may change interaction now because of masks all that is missing! Which is a big loss, as a woman's smile can work wonders. Another downside, with social distancing being the new norm is that opportunities to experience the wonderful scent of a woman is greatly reduced. Which is the tip of the iceberg of the consequences of virus restrictions I know. But, again our interactions are that much less intimate and satisfying!


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