What would your cartoon character outfit be?

Posted by Crazy Cath
- Oct 14, 2012 @19:24

I was laughing at my dad the other day as I said, if you were a cartoon character your outfit would be a blue vest top, blue shirt and jeans with sandals! LOL

My character outfit would be knee high boots with skinny jeans, a grey t shirt, black cardigan, and a green body warmer with my hair down.

What would your cartoon character outfit be?


Location undisclosed, City unknown
- Posted Nov 26, 2013 @08:20
It would be cargo pants, a green sweater and brown brouges. Lol
United Kingdom, South Lambeth, Nine Elms
- Posted Nov 27, 2018 @22:52
Orange jumpsuit and a bandage on the forehead L: D

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