Where can I go to have an affair?

Posted by Steven Lawrence
- Jun 13, 2015 @12:48

I'm looking to have an affair. Yes that’s a blatant statement, but I'm a grown up and I know what I want. I also know what the consequences and implications are. I'm not looking for marital support, a shoulder to cry on, someone to help with my apparent issues. I just want to have an affair. To meet a lady for a discreet relationship. My question is, where do I go? I've tried a few of the big marital affair type dating sites out there but they are all in my opinion scam sites with fake members. I even tried signing up to some with two different profiles and behold, I received exactly the same messages in both. I do like the honesty of Flirthut and if there were more members in my area, I think I’d stand a good chance but sorry Flirthut, there just aren't enough female member in my area, let alone those who would consider having an affair. Can anyone suggest any sites? As I said before, I don’t want advice or support. I just want somewhere I can go online to meet a woman for an affair.



United Kingdom, Twickenham
- Posted Jun 14, 2015 @19:57
Hi Steven, Thanks for your post. As the founder of Flirthut, I sometimes respond when I see something of interest. Flirthut wasn't really designed for people looking for marital affairs but there’s no reason why you couldn't meet anyone here for that reason. We don’t judge anyone or form an opinion. Flirthut is here to help people meet other people. It’s unfortunate that there aren't enough people in your local area but please keep signed up with us as new members join every day. I totally agree with you about the bigger marital affair type dating sites using very immoral practices for financial gain. We don’t participate in such activities so at least you know that any responses you get on Flirthut are genuine. To be honest, I wouldn't suggest any dating site specifically intended for marital affairs because an extremely low percentage of women would ever sign up to such service. You are better off sticking to the free dating sites like Flirthut and just being honest with people you chat to. You might also have to wait a while but the wait might be worth it.

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