What do you chat about on a first date?

Posted by Mands1980
- Sep 11, 2014 @19:51

I'm after some dating advice from the seasoned first daters out there, as to what topics to talk about on the first date. I get very nervous when I meet people for the first time and this normally results in me drinking too much and looking like a total idiot. If I don't have a drink, there are usually plenty of awkard silences, which I'm keen to avoid. So if you have ideas for some interesting conversation rather than the usual, job, hobbies etc your advice would come in very handy!



United Kingdom, City unknown
- Posted Sep 11, 2014 @20:44
I normally watch the news avidly for a few days before a first date, this (I think) makes me look worldly wise and knowledgeable.

It usually works. Although one time I started talking about stocks and shares, not realising the guy was a trader, he actually thought I knew what I was talking about, I felt like Rebecca from Confessions of a Shopoholic!
United Kingdom, Chester
- Posted Jul 04, 2015 @16:22
I think on first date maybe go to the cinema then for something to eat so you have at least got the film you have watched to talk about if you run out of things to say.
United States, Greensboro
- Posted Sep 08, 2016 @08:19
On a first date, I usually like to find something funny to laugh at to squash the awkwardness. After a nice laugh both parties are usually loosened up. If it is a lot of awkward silence during a date it is a good sign that it is not the right person for you. A person you are compatible with will make it seem like no time has passed and before you know it, its been 3 or 4 hours!
United Kingdom, Herne Hill
- Posted Nov 30, 2016 @08:17
According to me, avoid asking about their past relationships or future plans. Because asking questions that are too personal on your first date can make you appear nosy or intrusive. Be positive when you meet your date and use positive words during the date.
Australia, Sydney
- Posted Feb 05, 2018 @23:43
Just be yourself, admit you're nervous you'll know if he's interested in you even if you ran out of words he will find ways to open a topic just to make you feel comfortable.

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