For security and to ensure material in our forum does not offend other visitors and members, all posts and comments are moderated before being published. Please ensure you follow the rules and guidelines below.
If you are not a member and you would like to know whether your post has been sucessful, please leave an email address so we can notify you. We will not display your email address or pass it on to any third party. Your email will remain on our system until you request it to be removed.
- These rules and guidelines are in addition to our standard Terms of Use.
- All posts and comments must contain information that is relevant to the category.
- New posts must have content that is readable and have value. Short threads are unlikely to be approved.
- Posts and comments advertising products or services are unlikely to be accepted.
- Posts and comments must not contain any obscene or offensive information - you have a right to express an opinion but please express it cleanly and diplomatically.
- Posts and comments do not reflect the views or opinions of Flirthut or our associates and licensors.
- Links to other sites that may be damaging or considered inappropriate by our moderators will be refused.
- Posts (and titles) may be altered if they are deemed unsuitable.
- Your post or comment, if accepted, will be visible publically for an indefinite period.
- Flirthut will, from time to time, review posts and comments, and where necessary update or delete them without notification.
- Flirthut reserves the right to refuse the publication of any post or comment without giving reason.
- Flirthut will keep your email address in association with your post to notify you in the future of any updates to our service. We will not pass your email address on to anyone else.