strange man

Posted by c_patterson
- Sep 06, 2020 @20:45

I meet a man online and we dated for 6 months. We finally meet and later discover he was married with kids what should i do with that kind of men also am in love with so confused on what to do now .. I cant stop thinking about him all the time please advice me on what to do losing my mind at the moment in life i need serious help and a brillant advice with idea with all pleasure..... been single for 2 years is not an easy tasks life must continue as usual i need a sincere man with great sense of humour.


Germany, Berlin
- Posted Sep 27, 2020 @20:03
United Kingdom, Camberwell
- Posted Oct 11, 2020 @13:28
A married man dated you for 6 months without you knowing his marital status, trust me that's not a sincere man you're looking for.
an ex Flirthut member
United States, Pocahontas
- Posted Nov 30, 2020 @09:27
Well i tell ya this. I'm not going to lie and it will seem harsh but you need to forget him. Well maybe not forget but forgive him. I know its hard to do but its not for him its all about you. I'm not just speaking of someone that has had that happen but as a person. We love to much for them kind of people and your better than that. Just find someone and know him before you even meet. If he don't want to meet in person at a place with a lot of people at first then its not worth it. Never fall for the line we don't know each other enough to meet. Girl you meet people every day and have no idea who they are. Just meet and then if you guys want to keep talking online and then meet, then i say go for it. Never fall first, i hope this helped you and if you need to talk I'll be right here for ya.
an ex Flirthut member
United States, Portland
- Posted Dec 21, 2020 @09:09
"Forbidden fruit" comes to mind here. Let that guy go! Move on. It bothers me when guys do that, not being honest. Or is this a...fantasy of yours'?? Being in a relationship with a stranger still?? If he has kept those important factors away from you, what else is he NOT saying??

Be careful, baby! Find a guy that is open and honest. You'll know when you have.
Canada, Ottawa
- Posted Jan 20, 2024 @01:15
As a man, my advice for you, really, is to pursue with the relationship as a lover. I know you love him but, get over it. This guy will NEVER leave his wife for you because it's too expensive to divorce a woman with kids. Even if he did, this, lowlife will do the same with you like he did his wife. So enjoy the time you have with him, just don't expect a future with him.

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