I need help when facing my dater

Posted by ealltech
- Dec 03, 2015 @22:47

I need some advice on how I should proceed with a current situation between me and a guy I met on Passfeed. We met over Halloween weekend. He lives in LA, me in SEA. He facetime/calls me every single day for the last 3 weeks, says he would like to know me better and that we have chemistry. We hit it off. Yes, we've already hooked up.

I had made plans to go to Lake Tahoe for NYE with another college friend of mine and the original plan was to meet up with my crush (since he would be there as well). That plan fell through and my friend is no longer going. I told my crush this last week and he said that’s OK, you can stay with me for a few days & that I had nothing to worry about. He made it sound that he did not want me to make other plans for NYE.

I want to buy my flight this week on black Friday. I talked to him last night about what dates should I fly in & reminded him I would be staying with him. He got kind of weird and said “well don’t put all of this on me, I won’t be able to hang out with you the whole entire time, I do have to work while I'm there. I don’t know the plan in full detail and that’s the truth (he is working some events happening for a couple days) my reply "well my biggest fear is you’ll drop the ball on me and I won’t see you at all" him "That couldn't possibly happen I’ll be there for 5 days" me "I just need to 100% know that I have somewhere to sleep and put my bags" & after I said that I got kind of a not certain "sure". Now I'm panicked since he was so for me being there to being kind of elusive. I think I may suggest I visit for 2 nights instead of 4 so it takes some of the pressure off but on the other hand I've been thinking of just saying I decided to cancel the trip all together.



Location undisclosed, City unknown
- Posted Feb 04, 2019 @23:02
Ask how things seem from his side. That will give you a lot of material to work with yourself. If he says "well it seems like you're up my ass", then cancel the trip. Or plan the trip even if he says it seems like that.

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