My date didn’t turn up but wants to meet me again

Posted by Nicola
- Jan 15, 2018 @23:48

I was supposed to meet a guy the other day for a date. We have been chatting online through another free dating site - not Flirthut – and spent about a week texting each other on WhatsApp. So we organized a date in a bar last weekend but he didn’t turn up. I waited at the bar on my own for about 20 minutes then I sat down at a table on my own for another 10 minutes or so before I left. I thought I’d been stood up but within a couple of hours, I got a message from him saying that he’d gone to wrong place and waited for like 2 hours. He sounded really annoyed initially until I told him where I was and what had happened to me. Then he apologized and explained he’d misread the place we agreed on. He’s asked me on another date but I don’t know if he’s just playing me? I really like him. We get on really well by text but we haven’t spoken yet and he’s seen a few pictures of me that he likes. What should I do? He could be telling the truth about going to the wrong place or he could be lying. But why would someone lie about meeting a date? What could they possibly have to gain?


United States, City unknown
- Posted Feb 09, 2018 @10:27
He lied....if he was there for 2 hours, why he didn't give you a call? You got stood up sorry to say....
Turkey, Ankara
- Posted Feb 11, 2018 @00:05
i think it s a lie. my suggestion is dont meet him again. if he really liked you , he wont give up until he make you to accept another meet. make a video call , he could be a friend of yours who s making a really bad joke.
Location undisclosed, City unknown
- Posted Feb 13, 2018 @23:33
It's obviously a lie. Don't waste your time and date another guy, he's just a waste of time maybe he is just playing you around.
United States, Mauldin
- Posted Jul 19, 2018 @22:20
I've done this before by accident. Sometimes we get in a hurry in life and don't read as thoroughly as we should. Could have been that someone was talking to him when he read your text and he thought he read something different. I would have been irritated while waiting for you to arrive and sent a text saying what table I was at. This would have let you know at the time of the meeting that there was something wrong but I may be big on good communication and other people are not.
United States, Central Bridge
- Posted Jan 02, 2020 @08:42
Informative replies thanks

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