Love or lust?

Posted by
- Sep 25, 2019 @12:32

I've been dating a guy I met online for a good few weeks now and we are very intimate together. We'll often spend all our time in bed having fun. But here's the problem... I don't think we have a lot in common. We get on really well but I'm a bit worried that our relationship is just based purely on lust. The other day, I was telling a friend of mine about my new partner and they asked me a few questions about them. I realized I didn't know the answer. That's when I began to question myself. I had always planned on dating someone with the intention of our relationship progressing but I'm not sure it will in this case. How do you really know if what you have with someone is love or lust? I've even tried going down the route of not sleeping with them when we meet, but it's just so hard as we always end up passionately making out which ultimately leads to us jumping into bed.


an ex Flirthut member
United Kingdom, Liverpool
- Posted Feb 07, 2020 @14:10
I lust for women’s legs, can't get enough of them , love the way look and feel, don’t really care what you look like it’s them legs that have me lust for you..
an ex Flirthut member
United Kingdom, Birmingham
- Posted Feb 10, 2020 @23:24
Either get to know him and see if there’s a mutual ground. If you go for the lust it will break down eventually. One of you will get bored and move on.
United States, Oakland
- Posted Mar 20, 2020 @13:10
Your relationship is purely "Pleasure". Immediately hopping in the sack will only get you that. Know him first.
United States, Indianapolis
- Posted Apr 24, 2020 @17:51
Let me see if I have this correct... You are dating a guy with whom you spend all your time together in bed having very intimate lustful fun... Seems to me that you already have quite a bit in common... As to your question of your "relationship" being based on love or lust? You have already stated that, even when you start off not sleeping with a new guy when you first meet, you always passionately making out and eventually end up jumping into bed, presumably to engage in the same very intimate lustful fun... If your partner was to suddenly vanish, which would you miss the most? your partner or the very fun? If you answered the former, you may actually have feelings for the guy. If you answered the latter, you are finally admitting to yourself that you really enjoy very intimate fun. That being the case, go out and experience those pleasures with a variety of guys that you find attractive (physically, mentally, or otherwise) and you will most likely encounter one that will win your heart and mind as well as your body!

Good Luck in your search here and I for one hope you find that for which you seek.

Have a passion filled day ! . . .

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