Playing me, rejecting or just low interest?

Posted by Drivenfuture
- Oct 22, 2019 @02:41

I've been hanging out with this girl but I don't know her mindset yet. I asked her to hang tomorrow and she said she has an event thing tomorrow but has extra days free this week so she will "hit me up." Usually the "I'll call you" is a lack of interest but the way she said it has me second guessing. We were being playful and flirty right before so I honestly don't know if she will or not.


an ex Flirthut member
United States, Reisterstown
- Posted Nov 08, 2019 @12:53
Looking cute
United States, Lisbon
- Posted Jan 02, 2020 @08:59
Sounds like you either got friend zoned, she heard something possibly false and now she's angry. personally I'd just find another person. She could have done the Eddy Murphy joke on you and your the emergency d*ck in a jar with the label in case of emergency break glass.

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