Getting him to shave there

Posted by Mariale
- Jan 03, 2017 @19:52

Hi there!
I have a kind of uncomfortable question, but I really need to ask this.
How would you like your girl to communicate to you that she would like you to shave there? I've dating someone for like 5 months and I really enjoy everything we do, but sometimes he doesn't shave before having sex and I feel a little overwhelmed feeling all that hair in my skin... Besides, it gets very uncomfortable for me when doing oral sex. I used to get him presents very often so I was thinking if I should get him like a couple grooming products to get him cleaning up there? I'd get him like a t-shirt too so that he doesn't think it is rude from me.

How would you feel about that?
If that sounds like a good idea, which products would you recommend?

Thanks in advance!


Croatia, Zagreb
- Posted Jan 04, 2017 @09:16
When you do something with someone, no matter what kind of activity you have, you must communicate with that person and show with no fear your feeling, ideas and proposals for the improvement of your common life. Just be more relaxed and braver, it works.
United States, Somers
- Posted Jan 06, 2017 @21:31
Hey Mariale, The best way to bring it up is to just ask. Even better, tell him you'll do it for him. It actually makes it easier to shave that area if you have an erection, you don't have to move it out of the It would be a great way for you to start your foreplay. Then you can make it a weekly ritual. Good luck!!!
Location undisclosed, City unknown
- Posted Jan 06, 2017 @21:32
Hey Southern, thanks for the tip. I guess I have to work in getting more comfortable about communicating my thoughts and feelings. I'll need to learn how to start a conversation about the intimate stuff. Hehe Wish me luck!
Croatia, Zagreb
- Posted Jan 13, 2017 @09:30
Dear Mariale,
wish you all the luck needed for an efficient success!
Kind regards,
Cameroon, Douala
- Posted Apr 24, 2017 @22:14
Just tell him to do it
Anonymous Contributor
Location undisclosed, City unknown
- Posted Nov 10, 2018 @10:34
I think that you should just be honest with him and tell him what you would like to see down there, your the one going down there and you would think that he would do whatever you want, maybe you would spend more time down there. Something that all men love.

Personally I keep everything cleaned up down there, I just think that it's so much cleaner without the hair. I have had a few women that refuse to shave down there, and it makes oral kind of a turn off for me.

Just my 2 cents.

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