Does true love exist?

Posted by
- Jan 03, 2017 @19:47

I loved him with everything to an extent that I literally worship him. And all he could do in paying back was to impregnate my friend. Does true love really exist? Is it a crime that i so much love him? Because right now, I am miserable.


United Kingdom, Sleaford
- Posted Feb 13, 2017 @23:43
Hey There.
Too be brutally honest he does not sound like someone you should spend anymore time with. You are worth way more than what is currently happening and i know that it is tough but you should end it straight away.

Hope this helps in a small way.

Tony xx
Philippines, Cabanatuan
- Posted Mar 01, 2017 @08:56
I think he's a numb nuts and doesn't really see how really important you are and maybe there's a better one that will come to you.
India, Tezpur
- Posted Apr 20, 2017 @07:59
Then he is not the right guy for you. Next time be careful while choosing your love interest.
United States, Chicago
- Posted May 23, 2017 @07:25
To put it bluntly, you have fallen for the wrong guy. Get over him as soon as possible. I know it is easy to say and hard to do. but unfortunately that's the only way out to avoid a life full of sorrow.
United States, Central Bridge
- Posted Jun 27, 2020 @06:06
Then he is not the right guy for you. Next time be careful while choosing your love interest.

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