Am I the only one?

Posted by Beyourself
- Jul 29, 2017 @08:38

I'm 19 and I'm a black girl. I've dated only black guys but I've decided to try dating other races. I think my reason for dating black guys is because they're the only ones that approach you. From my experience in real life and on dating sites, white guys just view and match with you but even if you start the conversation, they just seem like they don't want to continue the conversation. Like I only had pictures showing my face and one guy sent a message saying nice booty????! Tf


petly Obed
Germany, City unknown
- Posted Aug 27, 2017 @20:27
Your name is "Beyourself" just be yourself, ok. The one for you will find you.
United States, City unknown
- Posted Oct 11, 2017 @22:54
Doesn't matter what race you date. Just date someone you're interest in and who's interested in you. You might meet someone today, tomorrow or next year. Doesn't matter. It just takes time. Don't make this into a racist angle.
Australia, Sydney
- Posted Jan 03, 2018 @09:19

Not all white guys are snub and don't want to date black girls. You look lovely and it doesn't mean that your not good enough,
It's just they don't see what's inside your heart.

Just be yourself and show them that not all black girls have big booty but also you have a big and kind heart.


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