He stopped calling after I slept with him

Posted by Gretchin
- Oct 03, 2012 @10:15

Hi guys, I could do with a guys perspective on this one. I was seeing this guy for a few months and I thought it was going great. So we ended up in bed together. We both seemed to really enjoy it and so I thought we were maybe going to be exclusive. The next day I text him to ask if he wanted to meet up again today but I didn't get a reply. So I called him and he didn't answer. That was a week ago, what did I do wrong? I just feel so used :(


United States, Grafton
- Posted Jan 15, 2013 @21:06
You may have been used. Despite our genders name, man doesn't always man-up. To me it sounds like a case of 'hump-it and dump-it'.

A better way to avoid things like this is to figure out who he hangs out with and how they act towards women. You could probably even facebook him and find out how much of a pig they really are that way. Remember one thing when dating though. Whoever you date, you're not just dating that person but their lifestyle too. If they are reluctant to do anything with you that involves his friends or vise versa ... then you are not the girlfriend.
United States, Mountain Home
- Posted Nov 01, 2013 @15:36
Agreed, you were most likely used.

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