I am going on a date on Saturday night, but I'm a bit nervous as I haven't been on a date in a while and don't really know what to say to him. I was previous in a long term relationship. So I wanted to write a list of 20 questions to ask a guy on my phone, which I can discretely refer to when the awkward silences crop up.
I just need funny, witty and interesting things to ask him so I look interesting.
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Written by: JoocyLoocy
From: United Kingdom,
Posted: 2013-12-03 20:21:09
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Comment/reply from: Mister_Right_, Location, Undisclosed
Posted: 2014-01-21 20:50:40
How about just one question?
"Would you be offended / put off if I kept looking at my phone all night?" ;-)
Comment/reply from: Marcosearchesforbrid, United States, Liverpool
Posted: 2020-09-19 19:27:51
Asking 20 questions sounds like a job interview. Can turn off someone. It does to me. I feel like I am being interviewed. No. You need to do is ask ONE question to "fish" a conversation. What I mean is that you ask him one question and start a conversation. That way, you will be glad to talk about things. Not 20 questions where he may feel stressed to answer them all like he had go through college finals. No. Never say "20 questions" so he will feel much better knowing you are not going to grill him. I had a woman asked me like that and I fell stress and I think she noticed and stopped talking with me. OK? Hope that helps. BTW, when you talk with him, the conversation will lead to more answers than you realize. It is true. he will bring up other answers as he keep talking. Be sure listen to him.
Comment/reply from: Stephani, United States, Hauula
Posted: 2020-10-09 03:49:18
I never show such a Man who only love me without any profit.
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