Would you hire an escort to gain sexual knowledge?

Posted by 40yroldvirgin
- Nov 24, 2013 @22:35

I asked a question about who would date a virgin guy and I was shocked about how many said they wouldn't. I'm nearly 40 and still haven't done the deed! The thing is women expect me to know what I'm doing and be a stud in the bedroom, I end up acting shy and they think I'm not interested. So would you hire a female escort in my position?


Location undisclosed, City unknown
- Posted Jan 21, 2014 @20:50

No. I'd learn to stop acting shy. What do you have to lose (other than your virginity, assuming this isn't something you made up as a ploy to try and get naive women to fall for it)?

If it IS true, perhaps you need to admit to yourself that thanks to your limited intimate experience with women, it's fairly plain to see that you haven't learnt yet that they don't actually expect you "to know what you're doing and be a stud in the bedroom".

How about you don't actually confess to it until you have them naked and in bed with you? Pretty sure you'll find they'll be fairly accommodating once you reach that stage if you just let it happen naturally.

To offer a different perspective to you, would you prefer your prospective partner to be a virgin or someone who has paid for sex? Think about it..

United States, Oakland
- Posted Apr 17, 2020 @18:01
If you get a good worker she could show you a great deal, A real great deal.

I thought I was the stud and knew what I was doing when I was 21. Then I became very good friends with a super Lesbian woman who lived next door with her partner. We would shoot pool together, have a few beers, etc. She then, with her partner's ok, "taught me a lot" about what woman want and desire. You might also watch and study much porn, you will learn a lot there. So yes, hook with a couple maybe two at once, that is exciting. you will not regret it one bit.

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